Monday, August 18, 2008

Parade Bridle Progress

Embroidery ScissorsKim Ford made this saddle for the little Appaloosa I bought from her and I'm making the bridle, breastcollar and blanket for it.  I had a headstall started, glued some square glitter to a browband and the cheeks.  I'm unhappy with the buckles I made and am remaking it.  I'll try gold buckles and silver keepers below them and make them a little smaller.DSCN0212

I like how the glitter looks, how to seal it, though?  A leather sealer like Super Sheen might knock out some of the shine...maybe.  The bit looks fine, good scale and shines up good.  The lace may be too wide, but I'm not sure I have any control over that.  I can try to split down some more of my old black lace...and make myself even more blind.  This looks like it was cut with a v-gouge, it may have been.  We did get some more boxes to pack stuff to put in storage.  I'd love to get to my leather tools, got everything in there!  Someone was selling a Rio Rondo basketweave's expected to get up around $250!  My smallest are all too huge for any of this, but I think I can use some of the figure modeling tools for some tooling on saddles.DSCN0205

There will be a throat latch to this, too.  Maybe some silver "conchos" on "chain" down the front, if I can manage it.  I have some gold findings to cut apart for accents on the breast collar. 

I finished two Stablemate scale show whips for showing the Arabs.  They're braided, waxed sewing thread around a sewing pin base.  They turned out really nice and I look forward to getting some showmanship photos of the Arabs!